Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"Help me Help you"

You cannot fulfill God's purposes for your life while focusing on your own plans. ” - Rick Warren

New years resolutions are in full swing and one of mine is to read the Bible in chronological order.
This goal, last week, had me mid Genesis reading about Lot.

As you may be familiar the story takes place when God decides to destroy Sodom and spare His servant Lot and his family. The Lord sends in angels to warn Lot of what is going to happen in an attempt to save his life.
The next verse is what struck me. Scripture tells us that after being warned to hurry and leave
"Lot Lingered". Yep.

Lot had two angels IN THE FLESH warning him that the city was going to be burned to the ground in a matter of minutes and he lingered?
What was he DOING? I wonder. Was he finishing his "Gomorrah Times" crossword? Still chiseling the new coffee table he promised his wife? What would cause an individual to linger in the face of such a warning?

I imagine the Lord watching this with a smirk on His face. "My sweet son Lot…I haven't warned anyone else of what I am about to do...your neighbors are still planning the block party. HELP ME HELP YOU. Take your family and get out buddy."
The second half of the verse is my favorite. "So the {angels} seized him by the hand and set him outside the city. The Lord being merciful to Him."
Wow. Sit back and take that in for a moment. The Lord was ALREADY sparing him, ALREADY warning him. He could have said "Seriously? Lot I've gone above and beyond here if you die it wasn't for lack of trying". But he reached in and DRAGGED Lot to His purposes.

How many times do I linger in the face of the Lords attempt to help me. How many times does the Lord whisper "sweet stubborn daughter. Help me help you."

But the most beautiful part? Our God doesn't stop there. My stubbornness or belief that I know better for my life doesn't throw off His plan. My failures and apprehensiveness to trust Him only lead Him to "take my hand and place me outside the city"

"Daughter please stop and rest" but I linger and end up being forced to rest with a snow day.
"Daughter please repent to the person you offended" but I linger and I end up being approached by the individual.

How gracious is our loving Father?
Nothing can stop His purposes for you.
Not even ourselves. He loves us enough to grab our hand and drag us to safety.
Thank you Jesus.


  1. Mmmmm...so good. What a God!

  2. Amazing love of God.You are very true to your father's legacy
